Sunday 30 October 2011

Children story about time: a visit to the Hot Air Balloon Festival

This a digital story book created by me focusing on aspect of time. It is about a child visiting a local annual hot air ballon festival. the setting is Malaysia which is familiar for my students. It can also be used by other teachers since hot air balloon is a common topic for most children. this is originally done using Power Point Presentation. Teachers will also need a paper analog clock or a real clock to highlight the time to the students during the shared reading.
example of analog clock:

The story~

Hot air balloon pictures references:
Samlee860407 (2010). The royal Kedah international hot air balloon festival @ alor setar, Kedah. Retrieved October 25 from
Anderson, T (2011). The royal Kedah international hot air balloon festival. Retrieved October 25 from  

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